Missions in Action
Halifax Urban Ministries – Mary Yochum. & UMM
TUMC annually gives half of our Easter Offering to support the programs of HUM and FRC. Our volunteers also prepare & serve the 1st Monday of the month at Bridge of Hope HUM’s homeless feeding program. Weekly collections of grocery items support the Feed a Family program for homeless prevention.
Family Renew Community (FRC) – Winston Churchill
TUMC is one of the original founding churches of FRC. Together with other religious congregations, businesses, civic and charitable organizations, and individuals. We are committed to solving homelessness in Volusia County. FRC’s program provides housing and helps homeless parents on a path toward supporting their families in places of their own. mission to alleviate homelessness among families with children in Volusia County. Families may stay for six months or more, and during that time the program is to assist them to become self-supporting. Families are expected to work and save toward their goals and to remain drug-free and alcohol-free. The purpose is to achieve both permanent housing and self-sufficiency.
Florida United Methodist Children’s Home – Linda McMunn
The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home was established in 1908 to provide a home for orphans and other children that had nowhere else to live. Today it serves as a diverse ministry with two campuses that include residential, therapeutic group, foster and emergency shelter care. The Home also provides independent living assistance and a community child-care center. Strong church support enables the program of the Home to maintain its ministry as a significant Christian outreach committed to the well-being of children, youth, and their families. Every fifth Sunday we collect a “noisy offering”, collect gift cards for back to school & Christmas and volunteer/support a Day on Campus.
Palmetto House – Joan Monte
TUMC provides hot meals which are planned, prepared, and served by our volunteers. We serve on the 1st Thursday and the 4th & 5th Tuesdays of each month. Palmetto House, with its forty-eight rooms, is the largest temporary housing facility in Volusia and Flagler Counties. Its purpose is to facilitate the movement of homeless individuals to permanent housing within a reasonable amount of time (usually 24 months). Supportive services such as, HUD Certified Credit Counseling, Money Management workshop, and permanent housing assistance, are available. Drug screening is mandatory prior to entry and random thereafter. Participants must comply with strict house rules and make progress in meeting their established goals
Justice Ministry – Sharon Dey, Elizabeth Flynn, & Luci Steffensen
TUMC is an active member of the Fighting Against Injustice Toward Harmony (F.A.I.T.H.) organization to fight against injustice in our community with other faith base organizations. F.A.I.T.H. is a 501c3 organization comprised of 30 religious’ congregations in Volusia County. Though F.A.I.T.H. congregations differ in their racial makeup, socio-economic status, and theology, they stand united in their commitment to fulfill God’s call to “do Justice”. Unlike direct service agencies or “mercy ministries”, F.A.I.T.H. does not work to help individual with immediate needs. Rather, F.A.I.T.H. is a direct-action organization made up of “Justice ministries” that work together to address the root cause of community problems by using the power of organized people to hold public leaders accountable for fair and just policy. Current research issues are focused on affordable housing and school to prison pipeline.
School-Church Partnership – Books, Belts, & Bags – Linda Silber, Linda Neely, & Janie Rodgers
Began in 2017 with Tomoka Elementary School-our back door neighbors. We collect gently used children’s books and belts for the students, a need identified by the principal. Volunteers provided Kids Care, a childcare service for the teachers on their duty days. The “Bags” portion of this ministry refers to our assistance with Provision Packs, www.provisionpacks.org an organization that helps feed hungry children by providing a weekly bag of food for the weekend. We have regular volunteers from our church that pack bags every week at Provision Packs’ Pantry on US 1. This is a great example of community (businesses, church, & charities) coming together to support school children and their families!
Card Ministry – Marcia Bobbit
This mission is led by a former Volusia County art teacher and provides an outlet for creativity while giving to our community. Members create greeting cards for various groups in the community and for different holidays such as Veteran’s Day and Valentines Day. The group is open to everyone and meets on Thursday morning 10:30 in Bleekman.
Methodist United in Prayer – Linda Silber
In the fall of 2018, TUMC entered into a covenant agreement with the United Methodist Church of Matamoro, Cuba. TUMC’s Sister Church is led by Pastor Osides Provoenza Hernandez.
The Methodists United in Prayer (MUIP) Cuba Ministry exists to see Jesus Christ’s glory displayed through the power of prayer and relationship between Cuban and American Churches and Christians. We are a ministry that facilitates relationships, prayer, and support between US Churches and the Methodist Church in Cuba.